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radiant barrier contractor
Team AutoPlex
Attic Foil Installed
Team AutoPlex
Attic radiant barrier contractor
Attic Foil

 Radiant Barrier
There are many options for Radiant Barrier that offer varying levels of savings on Energy.  We offer the Highest Quality Fi-Foil Bubble Radiant Barrier as it offers the most in Energy Savings.   Using Bubble type Radiant Barrier stapled to the roof rafters creates a chimney affect on the heat removal out of the home.  Upgrading your ventilation to a ridge vent is also recommended when installing radiant barrier as the old style wind turbines are not efficient for heat removal.  We will look at the at the entire home insulation needs as well as ventilation to Maximize Your Energy Savings! 

Cobra Barriers And Insulation, Llc.
We Do It Right For Less!

(281) 813-0657

Team AutoPlex
Team AutoPlex
fi-foil contractor
radiant barrier installer
Radiant Barrier Installed
radiant foil
Attic Tent
© Cobra Barriers And Insulation, LLC. Pasadena, Texas (281) 813-0657
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